
Daryl Livingston

Author: Daryl Livingston
Page 4

People Consulting USA adds Carlos White to Lathrop’s Chambers Ranked Franchise Group in Dallas

PCL loved getting to work in our own backyard, Dallas, and even better working with such and ambassador of Dallas like Carlos White, Franchise Partner at Lathrop.  Carlos was great to work with and he had his pick of a few different firms, but it came down to the people and culture at Lathrop.  Carlos

People Consulting USA expands Polsinelli’s IP Practice by adding Michael Longmeyer in St. Louis

PCL has worked with Polsinelli and Patrick Woolley, Intellectual Property Department Chair, for a number of years and it is always a pleasure.  Sometimes the lateral process takes time but when you know, you know.  Michael Longmeyer’s placement took less than 45 days from the first time Michael spoke to Patrick to his start date.